Le néolibéralisme et l'étatisme autoritaire en temps de crise: la pandémie du Covid-19 et la force de la confiance et de la solidarité
José Manuel Mendes
Recherches et Educations: Juillet 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic unfolds within the assumptions of current capitalism, adapted to both ferocious neoliberalism and dictatorial statism. In the reigning neoliberalism, the State maintains its importance and, above all, it is essential for the full implementation of neoliberal policies. The State is the last resort to keep the economic system in operation in crisis situations and rescue, without any costs to be charged to companies, banks or economic agents, the possible losses of business and profits. Furthermore, capitalism, in its neoliberal incarnation, will take advantage of the crisis, the deaths, the suffering, the quarantines, to learn and restructure itself, as the infamous cover of the March 7, 2020 edition of The Economist illustrates, with the title The right medicine for the world economy

Keywords:neoliberalism, living conditions, control, governmentality

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