The ALICE Dictionary is permanently open to new entries and contributions from its readers and users, assuming the form of an on-going, collective, and cumulative publication. This dictionary ambitions to assemble innovative entries, an alternative reading of already known concepts, acknowledging and exploring the epistemological diversity of the world. According to this objective, the authors do not necessarily have to use scientific language or jargon, having the freedom to use creative, poetic, and everyday language, or other verbal approach, widening our possibilities of rewriting the world.
How to submit and write an entry:
1. Each entry must be signed by its respective author(s), and it can be written individually or in co-authorship.
2. The entries can be written and published in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. But this does not mean that you cannot use concepts from other languages, such as Ayllu, Ubuntu, Dalit, etc.
3. Regarding a simple entry: the text size must not exceed 800 words (including references and 'further readings').
4. As for a complex entry, that is, a concept/practice that encompasses several dimensions or other related concepts/practices, each sub-entry must maintain a levelled relation with the others, and the encompassing concept must not be disproportionate in terms of size. The text must not exceed 1600 words (including references and 'further readings').
Example1: Democracy (participative, deliberative, representative, etc). Example 2: Ayni (Marka; Ayllu; Qullasuyu; other related concepts).
5. All entries, simple or complex, can have a maximum of three references or 'further readings'. The references format must follow the rules of the RCCS – section VI. The texts cannot have endnotes or footnotes, thus complying with the requirements of a digital page and publication.
6. All entries must be completed with a short personal bio, with a maximum of 45 words (please comply with the requirements). The author’s biographical note will be included in her/his corresponding entry/ies.
7. Any questions, and suggestions for new entries, must be submitted to the Editorial board of the ALICE Dictionary, through the email: The texts of these new entries must also be sent to the Dictionary’s Editorial board.
8. The entries will be subject to peer-review and, whenever deemed necessary, the authors will receive suggestions for revision.
9. The ALICE Dictionary reserves the right to publish or not to publish the received materials, informing the authors about the motives guiding the final decision.
10. Once published, the entries may be revised, amended and updated by their own authors, maintaining the text, in size and content, in compliance with this list of requirements.
11. Each entry/concept can also be challenged, expanded and discussed by other collaborators, within an interlinked page, enlarging its content. To do so, send your requests and comments (with a maximum 300 words) to the Editorial Board, (same email as above) with a short personal bio (maximum of 45 words).
12. Note: The authors must write their entries complying with all ethical standards and good practices, with rigor and honesty, guaranteeing the originality of their contributions to the publication.
13. The ALICE Dictionary does not accept previously published materials.
Publisher: CES / ALICE
ISBN: 978-989-8847-08-9