Teachers of the World: Courage and Wisdom is permanently open to new entries and contributions from its readers and users, assuming the form of an on-going, collective, and cumulative publication.
How to submit and write an article:
1. Each article must be the result of an in-depth study and reflection regarding the thought, the work, the forms of struggle, the actions and the voice of the person presented as a Teacher of the World.
2. The articles must contextualize the life and voice of the Teacher, being able to refer to her/his social, economic, political, cultural, historical and/or geographical contexts, according to their relevance.
3. In its conclusion, the text may refer to possible influences from the Teacher on the work of the article’s author, referring to the “lessons learned from the Global South”.
4. Each article must be signed by its respective author(s), and it can be written individually or in co-authorship.
5. The articles can be written and published in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French.
6. Regarding size, the articles must not exceed 3000-3500 words, including references.
7. The articles can contain 4 to 5 references, and no more, of the works of the Teacher or indications of texts, videos, paintings or other documents that might help the reader to learn more about her or him. The references format must follow the rules of the RCCS – section VI (points 11 to 12). The texts can only have endnotes, at the end of the document (not footnotes), thus complying with the requirements of a digital page and publication.
8. We recommend authors not to use scientific language or jargon, simplifying their articles with creative or poetic writing, current language, etc.
9. Supplementing their articles, each author is free to attach other types of documentation (drawings, photos, audio recordings, videos, etc.), which may be included in the digital publication, always mentioning their credits, authorship, and obviously requesting and attesting their author’s consent for its respective use and publication.
10. The articles must be sent in word file format, allowing subsequent review and editing processes.
11. All articles must be completed with a short personal bio, with a maximum of 45 words (please comply with the requirements). The author’s biographical note will be included in her/his corresponding article(s).
12. Any questions, and suggestions for new articles, must be submitted to the Editorial board of the Teachers of the World: Courage and Wisdom, through the email: mestrxs@ces.uc.pt. Once approved, these new articles must also be sent to the Editorial board.
13. The articles will be subject to peer-review and, whenever deemed necessary, the authors will receive suggestions for revision.
14. Teachers of the World: Courage and Wisdom reserves reserves the right to publish or not to publish the received materials, informing the authors about the motives guiding the final decision.
15. Note: The authors must write their entries complying with all ethical standards and good practices, with rigor and honesty, guaranteeing the originality of their contributions to the publication.
16. Teachers of the World: Courage and Wisdom does not accept previously published materials.
Editor: CES / ALICE
ISBN: 978-989-8847-10-2