× The project ALICE - Strange Mirrors, Unsuspected Lessons: leading Europe towards a new way of sharing experiences is a legacy of the Reinventing Social Emancipation project (EMANCIPA), coordinated by Boaventura de Sousa Santos from 1999 to 2001.Both projects were conducted at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra in partnership with a range of international researchers and research centres. In 2017, the ALICE project became the alice-Epistemologies of the South Research Programme,which is also based CES, although it relys on the collaboration of many other people. This Alice Project page remains as an archive.

"Alternatives are not lacking in the world.
What is indeed missing is an alternative thinking of alternatives"
(Boaventura de Sousa Santos)

Enter Alice Website

Video | O Fio da Meada - Silvio Tendler
Bruno Sena Martins | Causa e Efeito - RTP África
Conversation of the World between Boaventura de Sousa Santos & Gustavo Esteva...