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Seminário - Thomas Wallgren - "Recent failures and new tasks for emancipatory politics in the age of cynical modernity"

@ Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, Portugal - junio 3, 2015 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Seminário – “Recent failures and new tasks for emancipatory politics in the age of cynical modernity”
Thomas Wallgren (Diretor do von Wright & Wittgenstein Archives | Universidade de Helsínquia)

O seminário abordará os seguintes tópicos:

1. Fossile capitalism prevails: some notes on recent failures of emancipatory politics in Europe, South Asia and South America
2. A polycentric philosophy of modernity as analytical framework
- A new interpretation of the ecological crisis: the fundamental tension not between affluence and ecological limits but between affluence and freedom.
- Our challenge: cynical modernity
3. Why we have failed, some controversial observations:
- too early optimism about democratic globalisation;
- underestimation of the democratic and moral rationale for glocalisation;
- the question of technology overlooked, the question of economy given too much space.
- lures of left identity politics.
4. – the mistakes and shortcomings of the European left are not endemic to Europe. (Recent dynamics of state-movement relation in Bolivia and India.)
5. Looking ahead: Podemos? Syriza: the inevitable failure in this round. How to prepare for the next round? The difficult and necessary solidarity between glocalisers and the old left.

Local: 3 de junho de 2015, 11h30, Sala 1, CES-Coimbra

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