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(English) ALICE Research Projects

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(English) What Counts as 'Women's Human Rights'? How Brazilian Black Women's and Feminist NGOs Mobilize International Human Rights Law

(English) Researcher name: Cecília Macdowell Santos
(English) In the last twenty years, human rights and women's NGOs have increasingly been engaged in transnational legal mobilization as a strategy to promote (women's) human rights policies and norms...
(English) Thematic Areas:
Human rights and other grammars of human dignity

(English) Southern Bodies in Northern Wars: Disability as Testimony of Violence

(English) Researcher name: Bruno Sena Martins
(English) The following project will analyse experiences and reflexions of disabled persons as constructive testimonies for a social critique, particularly in what concerns former combatants of Portuguese Colonial War (1961-1974) and victims of the Bhopal Disaster (1984)...  Photo Credits: Luca Frediani
(English) Thematic Areas:
Human rights and other grammars of human dignity

(English) Aids and Modernity in Diffraction: Looking at an Epitome Disease from The South Within The Horizon of an ‘Ecology Of Knowledges’ in Health and a Subaltern Cosmopolitan Bioethics

(English) Researcher name: Alice Cruz
(English) This research is grounded on a multi-sited ethnography concerned with AIDS as an “arena” (Clarke, 1988: 16) for the production and transformation of bodies, subjects and institutions in two contexts of the non-imperial Global South – South Africa and Brazil...  Photo Credits: Jacinta Lluch Valero
(English) Thematic Areas:
Human rights and other grammars of human dignity

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