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(English) ALICE Research Projects

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(English) Democratising democracy | (English) Transformative constitutionalism, interculturality and State reform | (English) Other economies | (English) Human rights and other grammars of human dignity

(English) Beyond The Polls: Political Languages And Practices Of The 15m Movement

(English) Researcher name: Antoni Aguiló
(English) This project explores the forms of high-intensity democracy practiced by the 15M movement (the outrage in Spain) in the context of crisis of representative democracy and the struggle against neoliberal globalization and its effects...  Photo Credits: Personal Archive
(English) Thematic Areas:
Democratising democracy

(English) Under The Razor's Edge: State-Society Relations – Advances, Retreats and Contradictions Amidst Possibilities of State Reform – The Case of the Brazilian State (2003-2013)

(English) Researcher name: Aline Mendonça dos Santos
(English) The research seeks to investigate the Brazilian State, with a view to establish the types of political reforms undertaken during the last three administrations of the Federal Government under the auspices of the Labour Party (PT) and the respective party alliances... Photo Credits: Guilherme Jófili, Fred Cintra e Felipe Fagundes
(English) Thematic Areas:
Other economies

(English) Aids and Modernity in Diffraction: Looking at an Epitome Disease from The South Within The Horizon of an ‘Ecology Of Knowledges’ in Health and a Subaltern Cosmopolitan Bioethics

(English) Researcher name: Alice Cruz
(English) This research is grounded on a multi-sited ethnography concerned with AIDS as an “arena” (Clarke, 1988: 16) for the production and transformation of bodies, subjects and institutions in two contexts of the non-imperial Global South – South Africa and Brazil...  Photo Credits: Jacinta Lluch Valero
(English) Thematic Areas:
Human rights and other grammars of human dignity

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