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(English) International Institute for Scientific Research (IIRS)

(English) Territory of action: (English)  In the sphere of ideas that challenge existing euro-centric/western-centric ideologies, covering an array of subjects/disciplines that have been historically bound by and embedded in this canon. The main geographic sites of action have until recently been Holland and Suriname. The main objective is to enter new geographies of action with particular interest in English speaking countries.
(English) Webpage url: (English)
(English) Social Networking: (English)
(English) Issues of interest: (English)  resistance, racism, decolonizing the mind, slavery; struggle; de-coloniality thought; textbook project
(English) Banners: (English)  Descolonização do pensamento
(English) Objectives:
(English)  The IIRS is part of the Decolonial Network Holland and works not only in Holland, but also in Suriname. It aims to decolonize textbooks and to promote decolonial education on the topics of racism, slavery and resistance. Its main goal is to promote changes in Holland’s system of knowledge production, through the production of an alternative knowledge that might deconstruct the epistemological supremacy of a “white authority”, unveiling at the same time the Dutch racism by giving voice to black intellectuals in the country. Its objectives are to: a) develop a body of decolonial knowledge in new textbooks; develop a program for a network of organizations of decolonizing Europe; help develop organizational structures for these networks.
(English) History:
(English)  IISR was founded in 2010, born out of debates on decolonizing the mind and has been working since then in new knowledge production and critique of epistemological authority with the production of alternative textbooks.
(English) Achievements:
(English)  1. In Suriname the narrative of decolonizing the mind has become part of government policy. The government installed a National Reparation Commission headed by Armand Zunder whose book on reparations was published by IISR. 2. ISSR develops training programs and lectures for black organizations. In 2013, it delivered 80 lectures and programs. 3. IISR has produced books and documentaries that are currently being used in Holland and Suriname by the black communities.
(English) Challenges:
(English)  To go beyond Holland and Suriname and develop an international network for decolonizing the mind.
(English) Other narratives:
(English)  In November [2013] we will produce an English website with material in English that can be downloaded.