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Aids and Modernity in Diffraction: Looking at an Epitome Disease from The South Within The Horizon of an ‘Ecology Of Knowledges’ in Health and a Subaltern Cosmopolitan Bioethics

Researcher name: Alice Cruz

This research is grounded on a multi-sited ethnography concerned with AIDS as an “arena” (Clarke, 1988: 16) for the production and transformation of bodies, subjects and institutions in two contexts of the non-imperial Global South – South Africa and Brazil. It aims to answer two fundamental questions: a) what might be an intercultural conception of the right to health; b) what are the corollaries of different intersections between the State and social movements around health as a mobilizing axis for a collective semantic of social transformation, departing with the hypothesis that the effectuation of the right to health depends upon social mobilization and that institutional participation depends upon a re-foundation of the State. Finally, this analytical inquiry will be nourished with a participatory empiria, based on a pragmatic solidarity (Farmer, 2010).

Keywords: HIV-SIDA, Ecology of Knowledges in Health, Subaltern Cosmopolitan Bioethics, Intercorporality, Intercultural Translation of Right to Health, Refoundation of State
Countries of reference: Brazil, South Africa