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ALICE Colloquium – Video of the Inaugural Session

Inaugural Session of ALICE International Colloquium "Epistemologies of the South" by Boaventura de Sousa Santos: ...


Voices from/to Mother Earth

Video in Spanish. Si pudieras hablarle a la Madre Tierra (Pachamama), ¿qué le dirías? O mejor: ¿qué nos estará diciendo ella a nosotros? Hicimos estas preguntas a las y los participantes en el taller de la Universidad Popular de los Movimientos Sociales (UPMS) en Bolivia (octubre de 2013), realizado en el ámbito del Proyecto ALICE. E...


UPMS Workshop Ecuador


Starting tomorrow. Workshop on "Unlearning Capitalism! Building Alternatives on Good Livings". Event taking place in Quito, Ecuador. Jointly organized by the ALICE Project and Fundación Rosa Luxemburg.



Biennale Democracy – When the Constitution is Drafted by Citizen, Experiences Confronted

The President of the Icelandic Constituent Assembly, Salvor Nordal, gave a testimony on the experience of shared and participative constitutional drafting. His reflection expanded on how new technologies reinvigorated the constitutional process and to the drafting of the constitutions of Bolivia and Ecuador by facil...


César Rodríguez-Garavito – Action Research 2.0

Original Title: Investigación-Acción 2.0: Un nuevo mapa para los investigadores-activistas en un mundo multimedia

César Rodríguez-Garavito

"Cátedra Boaventura de Sousa Santos de Ciências Sociais", Coimbra 11 Dec 2012.


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