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State-in-the-Mirror: How the Social Diversity Challenges the Modern Institutions in Latin-American Contexts

Researcher name: Mauricio Hashizume

The larger the evidence of social diversity´s relevance, the greater the interest relative to its potential thereto. In this context, the possible contributions of interculturality deserve special attention from the social sciences in regard to the limits, inconsistencies and violence of State structures based on monocultural Western Eurocentric canon. As stressed by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, who has theorized the so-called “epistemologies of the South” as the response to a frustration that follows the supposedly “universalist” theories formulated in the North, it´s high-time to enhance the ‘ecology of knowledges’. In the Latin American context, institutionalization processes must clearly observe the influence of coloniality (of power, of knowledge and of being), which has been supported by relevant forms of internal colonialism. To understand how intercultural translations can interrogate and confront the modern State, this research suggests a partnership with two indigenous communities: one in Brazil and the other in Bolivia.

Keywords: Interculturality; State; Indigenous People; Latin America; Plurinationality
Countries of reference: Brazil, Bolivia