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“Mozambique and the transition to independence.” (video) – Seminar José Oscar Monteiro

Mozambique and the transition to independence.

Seminar with José Oscar Monteiro
May, 27, 2015, 15h00, CES, Coimbra

40 years later, this seminar reflects on the specificities of the process of political transition to independence in Mozambique.

Bio Note
José Oscar Monteiro – Born in Lourenço Marques in 1941, while studying Law in Coimbra, participates in the student movement and founds the clandestine organisation of Frelimo in Portugal.
As Frelimo’s delegate in Algeria, Monteiro organizes the nationalist leaders’ meeting with Pope Paul VI, represents the African liberation movements at the Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts in Geneva, which granted the status of prisoner of war for captured combatants.
José Oscar Monteiro took seat in the negotiations for Mozambique’s independence, was one of the six Ministers of the Frelimo Transitional Government, Minister in office during Samora Machel’s Presidency in the First Independent Government, Minister of State Administration.
Teaches Constitutional Law at Eduardo Mondlane University. Member of the Political Bureau of the Frelimo Party, advisor for SWAPO, and works with Xanana Gusmão in Salemba prison. Professor of Public Administration at Wits during the training for leaders of new South Africa.
Member of the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration, 2002-2010.