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Social Forum of Popular Education – Site online

17-23 January, 2016 URGS - Porto Alegre - Brasil The social forum's website is online: here: Invitation Continue...

(video) Debate : Boaventura de Sousa Santos – Rio de Janeiro – Moving borders: political culture, social movements and social emancipation

Portuguese Moving borders: political culture, social movements and social emancipation with Boaventura de Sousa Santos.   29, October 2015 Anfiteatro Praia Vermelha - Campus Praia Vermelha da UFRJ, Urca, Rio de Janeiro...


Boaventura revisits Pasárgada – by VozeRio

(picture: Edimilson da Silva) In Portuguese Sociólogo português Boaventura de Sousa Santos retorna ao Jacarezinho, comunidade que estudou na década de 1970, em período de intensa agitação política e social. Favela homenageia antigo líder comunitário. No ...


(video) A day to remember, December 6 – Proclamation of a new Constituent – Citizen and Popular

Video in Spanish "Mediante una peregrinación, miles de personas se reunieron en la Catedral de San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, este 6 de diciembre, para proclamar y continuar los trabajos hacia una nueva Constituyente Ciudadana y Popular, y transformar a México en un paí...


Video – Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Social Movements – For an Emancipatory Politics

Round table with Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Social Movements, with the theme For an Emancipatory Politics. Date: 28/10, 7pm. Boaventura de Sousa Santos and the social movements Teatro TUCA, PUC-SP. You can see video of the session here: ...


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