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Debate: Boaventura Santos and Juca Ferreira (Brazilian Minister of Culture)

October 29 18h30 – Debate Moving borders: political culture, social movements and social emancipation, with Juca Ferreira (Brazilian Minister of Culture) e Boaventura de Sousa Santos. Local: Anfiteatro Praia Vermelha - Campus Praia Vermelha da UFRJ...


(video) Interview with Yanis Varoufakis (by Bruno Sena Martins)

Short interview with Yanis Varoufakis and Bruno Sena Martins. Video: Raquel Freire Short Biography: Yanis Varoufakis read mathematics and economics at the Universities of Essex and Birmingham. He has been professor of economics at the Universi...


Interview with Arzu Merali (by Julia Suárez Krabbe)

Interview with Arzu Merali and Julia Krabbe Arzu Merali: writer, researcher and activist in the field of human rights. Her academic career includes degrees in English literature, law and international relations at Cambridge University, Nottingham Trent University and the University of Kent. Merali co-founded and currently ...


O direito dos oprimidos (The law of the oppressed), Book Release at Jacarezinho

Book Release October, 31, 2 pm. Quadra da Escola de Samba Unidos do Jacarezinho, Avenida Dom Helder Câmara, 2233...


Agenda – Boaventura in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro

- 27/10, na FFLCH/USP, às 16h - "As Epistemologias do Sul e a Descolonização das Ciências Sociais" (Página do evento: Transmissão ao vivo via internet: http:/...


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