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UPMS Workshop Ecuador


Starting tomorrow. Workshop on "Unlearning Capitalism! Building Alternatives on Good Livings". Event taking place in Quito, Ecuador. Jointly organized by the ALICE Project and Fundación Rosa Luxemburg.



UPMS Bolivia – The Aftermath

A video informing about the aforementioned UPMS workshop it is now available. With this video you may see how the UPMS experience is developed and what is possible to encounter in a UPMS workshop. Every event is unique. Another workshop under a different topic w...


Public Lectures 2014 – First Video Available

Based on work by Prof. Boaventura de Sousa Santos in recent years, this lecture prompted  a presentation of  the Epistemologies of the South as procedures towards the recogniti...


ALICE Advanced Seminar – Ebrima Sall – “The Study of Africa in a Multipolar World – A Perspective from Within”

Video in English: Coimbra, 2014-03-17

Summary: in a paper he presented at a Conference co-organized and hosted by the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) in January 2013, Achille Mbembe, a one-time executive secretary of the ...


A video of the last presentation of the book “If God were a Human Rights Activist”

The video concerning the last presentation of the Portuguese edition of the book "If God were a Human Rights Activist" by Boaventura de Sousa Santos has been released. This presentation took place in Almedina Estádio Cidade de Coimbra bookshop on March 28th 2014. The session started with a round of comments by CES'...


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