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Interview with Juan José Tamayo (by Teresa Toldy)

Interview with Juan José Tamayo and Teresa Toldy

Short biography:
Juan José Tamayoholds a PhD in Theology at the Pontifical University of Salamanca and a PhD in philosophy from the Autonomous University of Madrid (1976). He taught at several institutions in Spain and the United States. Tamayo is full professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he directs the Chair of Theology and Religions “Ignacio Ellacuria”, and is also lecturer for the Tres Religiones Chair at the University of Valencia. He is also visiting professor at several universities and inside and outside Spain. It is co-founder and current secretary general of the Progressive Association of Theologians Juan XXIII and a member of the International Committee of the World Forum of Teleology and Liberation, the Policy Board of the Association for Interreligious Dialogue in Madrid (ADIM), Siglo Futuro Foundation. Tamayo runs specialized courses in theology and science of religions and collaborates in several Latin American and European journals, as well as in studies of science of religions, theology of religions and liberation theology. Author of more than sixty titles, including Para comprender la teología de la liberación (2008) and Islam. Cultura, religión y política (2009), Pluralismo religioso, interculturalidad y feminismo (2012).