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An image of the social scientist and activist from Brazil

Original title “Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Cientista e Ativista Social“.

This video shows some moments of the “Disquiet Questions of Our Times” lecture with Boaventura de Sousa Santos at the University of Brasília and the Felicitation Ceremony of Honoris Causa Degree by the same University. It also presents testimonies about the scientist and activist from people as diverse as Leonardo Boff (theologian), Nair Bicalho (sociologist), José Geraldo de Souza Júnior (Dean of the University of Brasilia), Students of the University of Brasilia, Gilberto Carvalho (Minister of State), Marilena Chauí (philosopher), Cristovam Buarque (Senator of the Republic), Renan Inquérito (rapper), GOG (rapper), Nilma Gomes (Dean of Unilab).

Video in Portuguese: