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Book Release – “O direito dos oprimidos” [The law of the oppressed], Boaventura de Sousa Santos

March, 6th, 2015, 7 pm, Almedina Estádio Cidade de Coimbra Bookstore

The book was presented by two CES post-graduation students: Erick Morris and Patrik Mariamo.

Video in Portuguese

Book Trailer


Video in Portuguese



This is the first book of the series “Critical Sociology of Law”. This is a series of books in which I will publish researches I conducted during the last four decades on topics of sociology of law. In this book I publish my first research, which took place in the early 1970’s. It was my doctoral dissertation, publicly defended in 1973 at Yale University (USA). It consisted on a sociological analysis of informal law and dispute resolutions in the Jacarezinho favela in Rio de Janeiro. In the midst of the military regime, I gave it the fictitious name of Pasárgada, taken from a poem by Manuel Bandeira, to conceal the community that had generously welcomed me. The dissertation was never published in Portuguese.” (Boaventura de Sousa Santos)