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ALICE Interview 11 – José Geraldo de Sousa Junior – Flávia Carlet 23/01/2014



Epistemologies of the South: South-South Dialogues and Intercultural Translations

  4 February 2014 Lecture Title: "Epistemologies of the South: South-South Dialogues and Intercultural Translations" Venue: Developing Countries Research Center, University of Delhi, Delhi. Audience: Professors, Researchers (Post-Doc) and Doctoral and Master Students of Delhi University, Faculty of Social Sciences, particularly from...


Boaventura de Sousa Santos as Honorary Professor of the Universidad Andina

Boaventura de Sousa Santos received another distinction last April, this time in Ecuador. He was appointed as Honorary Professor of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. The communication by Boaventura de Sousa Santos was enti...


A new book containing a chapter by Élida Lauris, a researcher of the ALICE Project

We welcome this opportunity to announce the pre-release of the book Temas Aprofundados da Defensoria Pública (v.2). The book includes a chapter by the ALICE researcher Élida Lauris, a chapt...


Spanish edition of the book If God Were a Human Rights Activist

This celebrated title from Boaventura de Sousa Santos is now available in Spanish. A book edition by Editorial Trotta. All the details, including a synopsis, are available in the following address:


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