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UPMS Workshop in Brasilia: ‘Human Rights in Movement: the Organisations, the Institutions, and the Street’

“The Humans Rights in Movement: the Organisations, the Institutions, and the Street”. An upcoming UPMS workshop taking place in Brasilia, the city capital of Brazil, November 1-4 2013. The workshop will be a result of a proposal directed by the Comissão de Defesa dos Direitos Fundamentais do Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público (CNMP) and the ALICE Project. Different generations of social activists, artists and action-research scholars that have been struggling for years in the field of human rights will gather for a critical discussion on the given topic. According to the success of the previous events, another fruitful discussion is expected. For this workshop, there will be a public session and debate on the last day, a new advancement for the UPMS principle.

Public Session: November, 4th, 2013

Schedule: 10h-12h

Venue: Auditório do Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público, SAFS, Quadra 2, Lote 3, Edifício Adail Belmont.