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Book “Heading South – Blindness in the Spirit of Place” by Bruno Sena Martins

"Sentido Sul - A Cegueira no Espírito do Lugar" [ "Heading South - Blindness in the Spirit of Place"] by Bruno Sena Martins Colection: CES/Almedina | Series: ‘Identidades e Interculturalidades’ (2013)  


Boaventura interviewed in “Conversations with Life” (ETV)

Interview by Tânia Madeira (ETV). Video in Portuguese: ...


Boaventura in RTP Radio on the danger for the Pillar of State Security

22 Nov, 2013, 09:12 Audio in Portuguese:  ...


HORTUS / SALÃO UTÓPICO – Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Helena Freitas

23 May 2013, Jardim Botânico - Coimbra

In “2084″, one or more speakers from fields as diverse as science, politics or philosophy, discuss and debate with the audience two different visions of the near future (2020 to 2084). An invitation to practice and exercise utopia in an informal setting, imagining the imp...


What would a democratic revolution of justice look like? – Boaventura de Sousa Santos | Jan 2013

Video of the 2nd Conference of the round "Cidadania e Desenvolvimento: a governação e a organização do sistema de justiça" (Citizenship and Development: the governance and the organisation of the legal system). Title: O que seria uma revolução democrática da justiça? (What would a democratic revolution of justice look like?) by Boaven...


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