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International Course ” Epistemologies of the South”


We live in turbulent and complex times. The world is experiencing a humanitarian crisis that impacts all aspects of life. In this context, the Epistemologies of the South come forth to call into question the hegemonic centrality of the modern Eurocentric project, wagering on the deployment of a radical perspective towards social, political and institutional development. In the light of a South-South dialogue, this program proposes to identify and interpret the colonial, capitalist and patriarchal endurances in our societies.

Epistemologies of the South argue that a sense of intellectual and political exhaustion looms over the Global North, resulting in the failure to address, in an innovative way, the various challenges that defy the world in these early decades of the 21st century: inter-generational social justice; cultural, historical and cognitive comprehensiveness, as well as environmental relations, among others. By contrast, currently, the Global South, in all its diversity, reveals itself as a broad field of economic, social, cultural and political diversity of increasing innovation, in which dialogues between knowledges translate the conditions of pluriversality.

More information available here.

This training course aims to articulate the knowledge and experience produced in the South, to contribute to a sharing and discussion of emancipating alternatives to the current neoliberal crisis. The course will focus on the study and analysis of the specific struggles and their institutional impacts in different contexts.
The Specialisation and the International Course combine sociological, anthropological, philosophical, decolonial and emancipatory political perspectives to address various fields of anticolonial knowledge related to other knowledges and alternative experiences that build and strengthen social movements of diverse nature towards Buen Vivir (Good Living), be them decolonial, anti-racist, feminist, environmentalist, First Peoples, or on sexual dissidence.
Stemming from an ecology of knowledges and a cultural translation of Human Rights, the approaches proposed are based on Epistemologies of the South, seeking to contribute towards the affirmation of human rights and the strengthening of the participation of societies of the different souths that are part of the Global South.