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ALICE Research Projects

The project ALICE seeks to re-think and renovate socio-scientific knowledge in light of the epistemologies of the South, proposed by Boaventura de Sousa Santos. The objective is to develop new theoretical and political paradigms of social transformation. For more info click here. Below the personal research projects of ALICE researcher.

Filter by thematic area:

Democratising democracy | Transformative constitutionalism, interculturality and State reform | Other economies | Human rights and other grammars of human dignity

Can the Right to the City Be Emancipatory? Presences, Absences and Emergences in the Construction of the Right to the City in Brazil

Researcher name: Eva García Chueca
Over the last decades, the right to the city has become a political claim of several urban social movements, first in Brazil and later within the framework of the World Social Forum. Considering the growing interest this concept has awaken among transnational civil society, it is relevant to know to what extent the right to the city is a cosmopolitan tool...  Photo Credits: Santi Suso Ribera
Thematic Areas:
Human rights and other grammars of human dignity

Comparative Study of Social Transformative Practices, Its Outreach and Meanings Extracted from The Brazilian and South African Constitutions

Researcher name: Élida Lauris
This research project addresses the dilemmas between authority and recognition, conservative and transformative uses and meanings of the state constitution and its outreach. Taking as start point, the processes of state reconstruction in Brazil – that culminated in the promulgation of 1988 Brazilian constitution and in South Africa...  Photo Credits: Thiago Melo e Xevi X
Thematic Areas:
Transformative constitutionalism

Land and The Social (and Micro) Movements in Contemporary India: Diverse Trajectories, Horizontal Relations and New Patterns of Mobilization

Researcher name: Dhruv Pande
The Research Project begins with a dialogue between the theoretical trajectories of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and those of and from India. Subsequently, the Project proceeds by working out the theoretical formulations onto the crisis-situations arising out of Land (deriving ‘ecology of knowledges’ herein) and their relation to social (and micro) movements...  Photo Credits: Personal Archive
Thematic Areas:
Human rights and other grammars of human dignity

Gandhian Democratisation: An Account Against Political Colonisation

Researcher name: Cristiano Gianolla
Representative democracy is a political system encompassing both theoretical and empirical limitations in realising the principle of democracy as power of the people. The sustainability of this system is based on the “political colonisation”, meaning that political power is held by a few subjugating the majority...  Photo Credits: Dominic Alves
Thematic Areas:
Democratising democracy

What Counts as 'Women's Human Rights'? How Brazilian Black Women's and Feminist NGOs Mobilize International Human Rights Law

Researcher name: Cecília Macdowell Santos
In the last twenty years, human rights and women's NGOs have increasingly been engaged in transnational legal mobilization as a strategy to promote (women's) human rights policies and norms...
Thematic Areas:
Human rights and other grammars of human dignity

Southern Bodies in Northern Wars: Disability as Testimony of Violence

Researcher name: Bruno Sena Martins
The following project will analyse experiences and reflexions of disabled persons as constructive testimonies for a social critique, particularly in what concerns former combatants of Portuguese Colonial War (1961-1974) and victims of the Bhopal Disaster (1984)...  Photo Credits: Luca Frediani
Thematic Areas:
Human rights and other grammars of human dignity

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