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International Course “Epistemologies of the South”

(Virtual Modality October 2016 to September 2017 jointly organized by the Project ALICE/CES and Clacso)

This training course aims to articulate the knowledge and experience produced in the South, to contribute to a sharing and discussion of emancipating alternatives to the current neoliberal crisis. The course will focus on the study and analysis of the specific struggles and their institutional impacts in different contexts.
The Specialisation and the International Course combine sociological, anthropological, philosophical, decolonial and emancipatory political perspectives to address various fields of anticolonial knowledge related to other knowledges and alternative experiences that build and strengthen social movements of diverse nature towards Buen Vivir(Good Living), be them decolonial, anti-racist, feminist, environmentalist, First Peoples, or on sexual dissidence.
Stemming from an ecology of knowledges and a cultural translation of Human Rights, the approaches proposed are based on Epistemologies of the South, seeking to contribute towards the affirmation of human rights and the strengthening of the participation of societies of the different souths.

See more information here.
For any further questions please contact

Please listen to the invitation from Boaventura de Sousa Santos here (video).
