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"Gender" tag

Moçambique: Organizações apontam violações de direitos em revisão de Código Penal

Alertamos para o facto de, como tem sido tendência, se usar o discurso da Cultura e da Tradição para continuar a perpetuar a violação dos Direitos Humanos, particularmente das Mulheres, das Raparigas e…

El valiente no es violento – campaña contra la violencia hacia las mujeres y niñas

Rodrigo “Grillo” Villegas, Matamba, Kala Marka, Yalo Cuéllar y Piraí Vaca, destacados artistas bolivianos, se sumaron a la campaña de Naciones Unidas “El valiente no es violento”, una iniciativa para luchar contra la…


Décima carta às esquerdas: Democracia ou Capitalismo?

Depois de um século de lutas populares que fizeram entrar o ideal democrático no imaginário da emancipação social seria um erro político grave desperdiçar essa experiência e assumir que luta anti-capitalista tem de…


Brasil: Encontro Internacional da Marcha Mundial das Mulheres reúne milhares de ativistas

Nesta segunda-feira, 26, começa o 9º Encontro Internacional da Marcha Mundial das Mulheres (MMM), em São Paulo. O Encontro vai reunir um número recorde de 1.600 mulheres, vindas de mais de 40 países,…

South Africa

Is violence against women too common, too ordinary to qualify as interesting?

Back in February gender-based violence dominated media and public talk when South Africans declared themselves woken up, disgusted, outraged and horrified after the rape and murder of working class, black Anene Booysen and…


Interview with Amalia Ziv – queer, feminist and anti-occupation in Israel

It was through Amalia Ziv ‘s work that I came to know about ‘Kvisa Shchora’ (Black Laundry), an Israeli anti-Occupation queer group, which positions itself against both Israeli Zionist queer politics and the…


Indígenas exigem saída de coordenadora do DSEI Tocantins

Mulheres indígenas expulsaram da II Assembleia dos Povos Indígenas de Goiás e Tocantins, na manhã desta quarta-feira, 22, a coordenadora do Distrito Sanitário Especial Indígena (DSEI) de Tocantins, Evanecilda Siqueira. Os indígenas exigem…

women in islam

Women in Islam: the promises of citizenship between religious and civil reformism

In the current debate between East and West, and, in that between Islamists and secular people, the emphasis on Islam raises a fundamental question: Can Islam tolerate equality between sexes and can it…


Does Zimbabwe’s new Constitution live up to women’s aspirations?

`This weekend, Zimbabwe held a Constitutional referendum. And so Zimbabwe enjoyed yet another 15 seconds of international press attention. Turnout was reported as low. The public was as apathetic, uninformed, and/or disinterested. And…


(Trans)gender and caste lived experience – Transphobia as a form of Brahminism: An Interview of Living Smile Vidya

From: Sanhati, January 26, 2013 By Kaveri Karthik and Gee Suleiman Living Smile Vidya   Note from the interviewers: This is the transcript of a conversation between dalit transgender feminist writer and theater…

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