Cape Verde's National Broadcast Station coverage of the UPMS workshop held in Cape Verde, Espinho Branco, Rabelados, July 12- 14 2015. Worksho co-organized by ALICE, IUE, UNILAB and FLACSO.
Cape Verde's National Broadcast Station coverage of the UPMS workshop held in Cape Verde, Espinho Branco, Rabelados, July 12- 14 2015. Worksho co-organized by ALICE, IUE, UNILAB and FLACSO.
Mozambique and the transition to independence. Seminar with José Oscar Monteiro May, 27, 2015, 15h00, CES, Coimbra Summary 40 years later, this seminar reflects on the specificities of the process of political transition to independence in Mozambique. Bio Note José Oscar Monteiro - Born in Lourenço Marques in 19...
Interview Conducted by Martín Granovsky on C- Entrevista, of CLACSO TV Martín Granovsky, Argentine journalist and columnist, developed this cycle of interviews about Latin American, Caribbean and global reality. (Interview in Spanish) Interview at the LASA Congress, the Latin American Studies Association San Juan, Puerto Rico...