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ALICE Research Projects

The project ALICE seeks to re-think and renovate socio-scientific knowledge in light of the epistemologies of the South, proposed by Boaventura de Sousa Santos. The objective is to develop new theoretical and political paradigms of social transformation. For more info click here. Below the personal research projects of ALICE researcher.

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Democratising democracy | Transformative constitutionalism, interculturality and State reform | Other economies | Human rights and other grammars of human dignity

Plurinational and Intercultural Constitutionalisms in Ecuador and Bolivia from a Sumak Kawsay Perspective: From Oral Expression to Written Word and Lessons for Development

Researcher name: Raúl Llasag Fernández
The proposal for the re-foundation of State in Ecuador and Bolivia, accomplished by the demand for a participatory Constituent Assembly that would approve a plurinational and intercultural Constitution, came from historically invisibilized collectives, and more specifically from the life- systems of indigenous people who were localized and invisibilized by ‘colonisation’ and ‘independence’ processes, as well as from their reaction to a liberal-conservative, neo-colonial, capitalist, neo-extractivist and patriarchal constitutionalism. Photo Credits: Personal Archive
Thematic Areas:
Transformative constitutionalism

State-in-the-Mirror: How the Social Diversity Challenges the Modern Institutions in Latin-American Contexts

Researcher name: Mauricio Hashizume
The larger the evidence of social diversity´s relevance, the greater the interest relative to its potential thereto. In this context, the possible contributions of interculturality deserve special attention from the social sciences in regard to the limits, inconsistencies and violence of State structures based on monocultural Western Eurocentric canon...  Photo Credits: Agência Brasil
Thematic Areas:
Transformative constitutionalism

Plurinational Constitutionalism in Bolivia. From Constitution-Making Process to The Indigenous Self-Government Statutes

Researcher name: José Luis Exeni Rodríguez
Constitutionalism, if one considers the collective knowledges and practices, can not only be transformative, but also emancipatory. This impulse (either as forward-looking, or as reverse) materializes itself beyond constitutional text. First, to make sure that the emancipatory impulse reaches law and legal institutions...  Photo Credits: Estatuto Raqaypampa
Thematic Areas:
Transformative constitutionalism

Comparative Study of Social Transformative Practices, Its Outreach and Meanings Extracted from The Brazilian and South African Constitutions

Researcher name: Élida Lauris
This research project addresses the dilemmas between authority and recognition, conservative and transformative uses and meanings of the state constitution and its outreach. Taking as start point, the processes of state reconstruction in Brazil – that culminated in the promulgation of 1988 Brazilian constitution and in South Africa...  Photo Credits: Thiago Melo e Xevi X
Thematic Areas:
Transformative constitutionalism