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Epistemologies of the South Workshops – Ecology of Knowledges

The proposal is to discuss the interfaces between ecology, health and the production of knowledges with reference to conflicts and social and territorial struggles involving injustices and ecological problems resulting from the globalised capitalist economy, mainly in the Global South, in sectors such as mining, agribusiness, the oil industry,...


Pledge of Solidarity with Brazilian University Professors and Researchers

Sign: here An Appeal for a Pledge of Solidarity with Brazilian University Professors and Researchers The Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (CES/UC)...


Opinion (Portuguese) – “Against Domination”, Boaventura de Sousa Santos

A dominação social, política e cultural é sempre o resultado de uma distribuição desigual do poder, nos termos da qual quem não tem poder ou tem menos poder vê as suas expectativas de vida limitadas ou destruídas por ...


(Video) RAPthinking Social Sciences and Politics

RAPthinking Social Sciences and Politics All knowledge is incomplete and constitutes a system of knowledge and ignorance. There are no complete knowledges. Social sciences, though valuable, are limited to reflections accommodated to their narrative logic and to the political imagination that fits into their own creative horizo...


Call for papers: Water and other knowledges: making the plurilegality of the right to water visible

Call for papers. “Water and other knowledges: making the plurilegality of the right to water visible” Guest editors: Lieselotte Viaene (Universidad de Coimbra, Portugal) and Denisse Roca Servat (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia) As a source of life itself, water lies at the epicenter of major...


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