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Cristiano Gianolla Presentation at SISP Conference 2012

Cristiano Gianolla Presented a Paper in the SISP Conference
@ Università Roma Tre – Roma (Italy) – September 13, 2012 – September 15, 2012


Hereafter the Prezi presentation in Italian.

Cristiano Gianolla took part to the conference of the Italian Society of Political Science (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica) with an intervention titled: Between Public and Private: ICT and the Common Heritage of Human Kind in the Panel “Cyberspace and International Relations: Geopolitical Implications” (Cyberspazio e Relazioni Internazionali: implicazioni geopolitiche) moderated by Prof. Umerto Gori (University of Florence) and Emidio Diodato (Universitá di Università per Stranieri di Perugia).


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