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Nesta página estão compilados os trabalhos produzidos pela equipa ALICE.


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Entrevista a César Rodriguez-Garavito


In this interview Cesar Rodriguez-Garavito reflects on action research in a context marked by the use of new technologies of communication and interaction. This development gives rise to benefits and risks of action research. Afterwards he revisits his recent work on comparative experiences of prior consul...


Os lugares (im)possíveis da cidadania. Estado e Risco num mundo globalizado

Livro publicado por José Manuel Mende e Pedro Araújo: Os lugares (im)possíveis da cidadania. Estado e Risco num mundo globalizado.   Continue...

Boaventura de Sousa Santos – Ocupar o Direito: pode o direito ser emancipatório?

(English) Lecture in English delivered Friday 30 November 6-8pm: Leverhulme Lecture 6 (20th Anniversary event): "Occupy the Law: can law be emancipatory?" Venue: Room 541 in Malet Street, Birkbeck, London -UK. ...


Entrevista a Nelson Maldonado Torres

(English) Video in Spanish. Short description:

In this interview, Nelson Maldonado-Torres presents his thoughts on: 1) the timeliness and relevance of the thought of Frantz Fanon to construct decolonial theories ; 2) emergences of this critical perspectives to reinvent other ways of thinking and knowledge to take t...


Justiça Indígena, plurinacionalidade e interculturalidade na Bolívia e no Equador


Justice, Rights, plurinationality, legal pluralism. These books are a celebration of diversity and, at the same time, an exploration of its complexity and difficulties. How indigenous justice is exercised in Bolivia and Ecuador? Is it possible, and under what conditions, an intercultural translation betwee...


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